À la carte: Street Style Edition

3 Dec

The Bay Modernist (1)

My first week in the Bay area and I had the pleasure to be snap by street style photographer Katrina from “The Bay Modernist” (Instagram: @thebaymodernist).

Believe it or not this is my first street style capture EVER! I am horrible at taking photo when I don’t have creative control or not all that satisfied with my look. Ask my friends or search Facebook, you’d be hard pressed to find a tagged photos of me. Nope, nah! Won’t catch me slipping trying to capture me from a fat angle!

While I was in the Oakland Jack London Square area Katrina took interest in my look. Nothing I’m wearing is particularly new or special but It’s extremely nice to know someone appreciate the effort I took in pulling this look together. The most savoring thing about moving to a new city is that EVERYTHING you own is new again! Sour thing now is that now I can’t wear this anymore because its on Instagram now!

The Bay Modernist (3)The Bay Modernist (4)The Bay Modernist (5)

The Bay Modernist (2)

Cable Knit Sweater: American Living JCP $62

Extended Tee: Reign + Storm Pacsun $27.47

Denim: 511′s Levi’s Dillard’s $39.99

Ankle Strap Boots: Zara $129.99

Accessories: Charmed & Wrapped Bracelets Alex & Ani, Watch & Studded Cuff Micheal Kors and Skull Cuff Urban Outfitters.


The Never Thinning Journey

1 Dec

Alex & Ani Eye of Horus Compass

Journey – an act of traveling from one place to another.

Life is one huge never thinning journey. Though, each path is different with varying results howbeit, romance, family, friendships, career or fitness we all are doing our best to figure the best path to our goals.

Before my boyfriend and I departed on our new journeys (another post for a fatter day) we bought each other these Alex & Ani bracelets to guide and protect us on our travels until we reach each other again.

The eye of Horus:The Egyptian god Horus representing protection and power. Warding off evil, preserving safety for eternity. The left eye is known as the eye of Thoth, keeper of hidden knowledge and mysteries.

The Compass: Providing guidance and navigation through life’s unexpected twists and turns. North represents home and infinite possibility. South embodies passion and the present. East signifies new beginnings and the future. West symbolizes emotion and the past. 

Here’s the skinny… I’ve taken some time off the site (let’s call it a cyber diet) because I have embarked on one of the biggest journeys in my life since going off to college 10 years ago; moving from Wichita, Kansas to San Francisco, California.

The goal of the ‘cyber diet’ was to reorganize, re-brand and relaunch Anorexic Escapades to make the site more presentable and accepting for all readers as well as, accommodate new opportunities that has been presented to me. Hugely, I didn’t think many people cared anymore and I was losing my voice, (th)inspiration & motivation as a writer so, I wanted to seek out a new point of view. Although, I’ve been receiving an overwhelming amount of comments, DM’s and emails asking where have I been showing that you guys really care about the content here. Hence the real reason for this weight-in.

Honestly, for the past four years I haven’t been completely happy with the results of my journey. I’ve had small triumphs along the way that I am very proud of but I knew they weren’t grand enough to push me further to were I aim to go. Even to the act of masking unhappiness with new (easily obtainable) goals in the hopes to curb my cravings of more adventure along my journey.

It’s funny how certain seemingly unrelated situations will jolt you into the position you are destine and desiring to be in. After, a tumultuous end of summer with my boyfriend I finally made the decision to make the leap into a new route in my life. Though, the landing may have been a bit rough here in San Francisco/Oakland I must say it’s the best thing that has happened to me.

When you aren’t happy with the most lithe thing in your life it creates road blocks in all avenues of your life, that’s why many of you are fat now. For me that dark and blocked off road is my career. I want to accomplish so much i.e., the success of this site, a men’s grooming book and to opening my own store as well as, becoming a successful commentator in the world of men’s grooming, fitness and fashion. I knew that I’ve reached my peak in Kansas and needed to branch off however, I was afraid to take the risk. Yes, I’m resourceful, resilient and coiffed a pretty nice resume over the years; not to mention I can string a couple of sentences together and hang a suit. But, I wasn’t sure if that was enough.

It wasn’t till I looked over my life thus far and come to the realization that in order to travel forward I must take a step forward (sounds simple huh). I’ve been in California for a bit over a month and though, it’s expensive, scary and exhausting; I’ve landed three cool jobs that all coincides with my career goals, finally found a cool “copacetic” place to reside and meeting some very radiant people. I love the creativity, music in the streets, Farmer’s Markets on every corners and overall organized chaos that this city brings. I’m not one hundred percent sure what tomorrow may bring but I have my schedule, a killer pair of trainers, fully load Clipper card and Google maps to help navigate through any unexpected detours.

Today’s skinny advice to you… Don’t keep asking God for blessings and not be willing to work. Success & happiness takes risk- get off the couch!



“Junk Food Journals:” Entry 18

28 Sep

My 30th B’day is about a month away and in three days I will be putting my diet and workout routine into overdrive as I enter the next decade of my life stronger, faster, better and of course thinner!

My new personal life & fitness goal is to drop dead weight and become more discipline in obtaining the things I want the most by living a succinct and garbage free life.

If my personal thinspo isn’t enough for you to trash your terrible eating habits then check out the latest entry 18 of “Junk Food Journals.”

Chris Newman (1)

Chris Newman (2)

Chris Newman (3)
Hello, my name is Chris Newman (IG: Christophe_Mari). I’m from Washington D.C. and I’m 29 years old. I work at Vida Fitness in Washington D.C. I love to read books, listen to music, write, travel, shop, learn, deejay, play video games, and spend time with my friends and family.

Workout Philosophy: If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains.

Meal 1: 8 a.m.
– 10 egg whites.
– 1¼ cups oatmeal (dry measure) or 11⁄2 raisin bagels.
– 8 oz. orange juice or 1 cup mixed fruit.
Meal Totals: 669 calories, 58 g protein, 93 g carbs, 7 g fat.

Meal 2: 11 a.m.
– 8 oz. chicken breast.
– 1 small to medium potato.
Meal Totals: 409 calories, 56 g protein, 37 g carbs, 3 g fat.

Meal 3: 1 p.m.
– Whey protein shake (2 scoops).
– 6-8 rice cakes.
Meal Totals: 450 calories, 48 g protein, 58 g carbs, 2 g fat.

Meal 4 (postworkout): 3 p.m.
– 8 oz. turkey breast.
– 2-3 cups cooked pasta or white rice.
– 1 whole-grain roll.
Meal Totals: 1,096 calories, 78 g protein, 177 g carbs, 4 g fat.

Meal 5: 6 p.m.
– 8 oz. ground beef (95% lean).
– 1 slice low-fat cheese.
– 2 slices whole-grain bread.
– 1 piece fruit.
Meal Totals: 593 calories, 59 g protein, 57 g carbs, 13 g fat.

Meal 6: 9 p.m.
– Whey protein shake (2 scoops).
Meal Totals: 170 calories, 40 g protein, 2 g carbs, 0 g fat.

Daily Totals: 3,387 calories, 339 g protein, 424 g carbs, 29 g fat.

Cheat Day: 2 turkey sandwiches on wheat bread with mayonnaise orange juice and a cup of yogurt. 2 slices of chicken and veggie pizza with water.

Diet Trick: Drinking lots of water. At least 8 glasses a day to burn fat.

Problem Area: My abs are my hardest area to keep toned. I work on them everyday performing leg lifts and butterfly kicks.

Key to Discipline: Seeing the progress I want in my mind and setting a specific time to workout everyday. I also take selfies after every work out to inspire myself and others.

Workout Routine: Monday – Chest Tuesday – Shoulders Wednesday – Abs Thursday – Rest Fri – Legs Sat – Cardio and Biceps.

Christian Carter (1)

Christian Carter (3)

Christian Carter (4)
My name is Christian Carter (IG: AllOutOfHashtags), 34 year old southern man who has called Manhattan home for the past 10 years. I’m still the same 9 year-old southern boy who preferred day dreaming over dreaming while sleep. I’m funny, loyal and spend my life knee-deep in a downbeat, drinking margaritas and creating art of all kinds.

I started working out as a youngin’ after while watching the movie Aliens with my family my brother proclaimed that I was built just like the lead actress Sigourney Weaver. They’re jokes still play in my head every time I think I don’t have another set/rep in me. “Come through Sigourney”.

Workout Philosophy: Try anything once. Rock Climbing, Spin, hell… Climb a tree.

Breakfast: a Smoothie or Fresh Juice.

Lunch: Any and all things Mexican.

Dinner: Mexican or Sushi and a Margarita.

Cheat Day: I eat what I want and workout hard. Indulging in food you love isn’t cheating on the quest to a better you, it’s simply you enjoying your life.

Diet Trick: don’t know if I believe in the idea of tricks. What I will say is a varied diet is important. Most people eat a variation of 10 meals their entire life. This causes them to lose out on many important vitamins, minerals and fats.

Problem Area: Ive learned to not fight the God given structure and shape of my body. Always editing but I’m no longer giving it to the idea that any of it is a PROBLEM.

Key to Discipline: A healthy addiction to growth and change.

Workout Routine: Do something physical a every day.

Anthony Black (1)

Anthony Black (2)

Anthony Black (3)
I’m Anthony Black (IG: MRBLACKTALKS) 28 years old from St. Petersburg/Tampa Florida your typical serial monogamist who loves romance, Carrie Bradshaw, sarcasm, barbells, and Beyoncé. I work in sales in the multifamily property management industry in the sunshine state. Obsessive amounts of gym time & blogging keep me out of club and off xanax. Basically, I want to be hot forever.

Workout Philosophy: I’m a strong believer in my favorite hashtag, #TrophyHusbandGoals. It’s not about being idolized. To me, it’s all about being confident, feeling sexy, and knowing that I’m worthy of being placed on a mantle piece.

Breakfast: Since I workout in the mornings before work, I usually have a vegan protein shake, (pea protein, brown rice protein, & hemp protein mix), an egg & turkey sausage.

Lunch: Grilled chicken salad with a banana or Quaker protein banana nut oatmeal.

Dinner: I have extremely limited patience and cooking skills so talapia, broccoli, & a glass of white wine is my go to dinner choice.

Cheat Day:This only happens when I’m drunk and it’s 2am, but my favorite cheat meal has to be a Taco bell, chicken quesarito–no siracha with a side of sour cream. In Jesus’ name.

Diet Trick: Apple cider vinegar helps with digestion & works as an appetite suppressant. I’ve also used those waist trainer-esque, belly wraps while working out. I’m no Kim Kardashian but I do think it made a difference with my mini muffin tops.

Problem Area: My stomach. Believe it or not, I can bloat like a house. One meal could be the difference between me having a six pack or a two pack.

Key to Discipline: I usually shame myself and feed my inner narcissist by following ridiculously hot people on instagram. That usually gives me the superficial motivation I need to get off my ass.

Workout Routine: I do a five day schedule. A chest day, leg day, back & shoulders, leg day #2, and biceps/triceps.

New Skinny Techniques: Alexander Wang SS16 #NYFW

26 Sep

Alexander Wang Ready to Wear Spring Summer 2016 Collection in New York

Now that the sweat of New York Fashion Spring/Summer 2016 has dried I can now start a new set of crunches as I recap my most savored collections of the upcoming season.

With the bulk of menswear shown this past summer during New York Fashion Week: Men’s I didn’t have much to gorge on.

Although, as cliche as it may sound I am really into the handful of offerings from Alexander Wang. With an (obvious and borderline redundant) ode to the the 90’s this collection marked the 10th anniversary of Wang’s eponymous label. Inspired by what Wang himself saw first hand growing up this collection is rife with street influences from skaters to the grunge movement. Noticeably more refined, with the help of silken fabrics as well as, more technical fabrics that he likely learned and honed in on during his time at Balenciaga.

I adore the sizing and proportions of this collection because one thing we love to hate about the 90’s were how big the clothes were. However, during summer when your summer body isn’t ready we all need a strong, cool collection that will hide any remnants from our lackluster gym performance during winter.

Not saying this is my most desired aesthetic, however I can appreciate the attention to design and tailoring in this urban offering.

Sometimes it take looking at new styles, tips and techniques to strengthen your own style.

Alexander Wang Ready to Wear Spring Summer 2016 Collection in New York

Alexander Wang Ready to Wear Spring Summer 2016 Collection in New York

Alexander Wang Ready to Wear Spring Summer 2016 Collection in New York

Alexander Wang Ready to Wear Spring Summer 2016 Collection in New York

Alexander Wang Ready to Wear Spring Summer 2016 Collection in New York

Alexander Wang Ready to Wear Spring Summer 2016 Collection in New York

Alexander Wang Ready to Wear Spring Summer 2016 Collection in New York

Lockeroom Habits.

18 Sep

Olay Pro X (1)

First off I want a huge thank you from every single one of my male readers. I have become your almost skinny human grooming Guinea pig. Not to say I don’t like testing and reviewing new products to share with my readers, however my medicine cabinet is now worth more than my closet.

Anyways, during one of my usual Target trip to pick up water and nuts I somehow wondered to the cosmetic aisle… 192.87 dollars later I made it home with this Olay ProX Microdermabrasion Plus Advanced Cleansing System for $44.99.

Believe it or not I have never tried any at home microdermabrasion cleansing systems. Honestly I thought it was just something else extra to waste money on because I feel I can get a better, deeper, thorough, clean with my hands for cheaper.

Although, I now see what the hype is all about with these cleaning systems- they are perfect for the lazy! After a week trying this ProX Microdermabrasion Plus Advanced Cleansing System I can say I don’t see a huge difference but it is refreshing to wash my face with something new.

The Olay ProX system includes a 3 Speed Facial Cleansing System, Microdermabrasion Foam Head, Cleansing Brush Head, Thermal Crystal Polisher (0.68 fl. oz.), Exfoliating Renewal Cleanser (0.68 fl. oz.) and 2 AA Duracell Batteries. Also a diagram of brush weekly usage rotations between cleansing and microdermabrasion.

My Overall Result: Convenience! I like that I was able to just sit in my bathroom on the toilet watching YouTube and let the brush do all the work without getting the sink wet or mirror dirty. Microdermabrasion is known to scrub off the dead and dull surface layers of the skin, stimulating and increase collagen production. So of course I was looking for dramatic improvements in the tone, texture, and color of treated areas. I must admit my face was just as clean, tight and even as my normal hand & product regime. Instead of dampen skin I lathered my face in coconut oil to offset scratching from the beads. Applied the Exfoliating Renewal Cleanser to face then, gently massage on my face for 60 seconds on the top speed. Due to the Thermal Crystal Polisher being rather gentle than scrub, I used it daily.

If you’re looking to add something new to your skincare routine go ahead and get it but I suggest spending 50 bucks at Sephora and get more!

Here’s What Exactly Microdermabrasion Improves:

  • Oily or dull skin
  • Enlarged pores
  • Clogged pores
  • Fine lines
  • Mild acne scars
  • Mild complexion problems (such as uneven pigmentation or poor skin texture)
  • The benefits of microdermabrasion also include enhanced circulation and lymph flow, which promote the internal health of the skin.

Why should men care about microdermabrasion? We shave regularly-  irritations and ingrown hairs are clear signs of an added stress to their skin. The skin damage is caused by the shaving itself, as well as by before and after shaving products. Therefore it’s ideal to keep the skin healthy before and after a scalping.

You’re welcome.

Just Try!

16 Sep

Baby Caturaṅga Daṇḍāsana
I originally took up yoga because I wanted a challenge. I did the gym, I went vegetarian even switch from running on the treadmill to running outdoors. Though, I got nice results from those changes they never really inspired or satisfied the sense of accomplishment and progress I needed. Only because I wasn’t trying anything new but just changing up what I was already doing.

The challenge I was looking for wasn’t just physical; it was internal as well. There are so many things I want from my life however, I talk myself out of following through with certain voyages because being conformable and only attempting what I know I can do is much more safer than going beyond my limit, failing or hurting something. Leaving me vulnerable, disappointed and feeling stupid for even trying.

Outside of the yoga studio this mediocre life of safety I built is a set of guarded rules I developed and safely followed in my romantic life, career and overall exploration of life. I grew up with the people responsible for me taking risk for me without considering me, that lead me down an unstable teenage life emotionally, economically, financially and mentally.

Therefore, the moment I became an adult and “in control” of my life I made the decision to do exactly what I am “supposed” to do and nothing more than I’m capable of to not live the life I was raised in.

Thinking I was putting myself in position of control I eventually deviated from the life plan I made because creating an obtainable life was better than risking an uncertain fulfilling life.

This restrictive way of thinking is prevalent in the way I date- only talking to guys for a limited time to not become dependent on their love or have to factor them in my life pass “whats your favorite color.” In my career- I would go after jobs that are easy to get that I knew I was overly qualified for having nothing to do with my true passion simply because they paid well. Even with the way I worked out; let’s not mention how I remained in Kansas for 10 years now beyond the four years of college I moved here for due to it being so cheap to live here and I wouldn’t have to struggle. On the outside I have the beautiful apartment, amazing resume, nice body, orderly finances and high confidence; on the inside I’ve been suffocating with a swelling feeling of worthlessness. With all the constant blessing obtained I know I’m happy but I’m still not going to risk a comfortable lifestyle on being happy.

Now my 30th birthday is approaching and I don’t know what was it all for! I feel like everything I have now and my need to control the every situation wasn’t worth my self-fulfillment.

As of last night I made a promise to myself to just try! It’s not about taking the risk, giving up control or coming up sort, it’s about taking yourself out of your comfort zone to get to your most desired goal.

Like with yoga, a year ago I could barely hold a plank for 5 breathes without being to-the-bone sore the next morning; cut to me today trying Baby Grasshopper for second time with ease upon the many new pose I’ve took a risk on learning all by just trying.

Life is scary, unsure and sometimes chaotic but what I’m learning over these last 10 years that it’s best to risk comfort than your happiness. Many of us aren’t living up to our full potential because chasing control is more important than living for fulfillment.

We don’t try because of what onlookers will think/say if we fall, or because we proclaimed one thing and decided to go for something else and don’t want to deal with “I told you so’s” or people constantly questioning our decisions. We fight ourselves daily to go with what we ought to do rather than what we want to do. The same will we muster up to do the “obtainable” thing we should use that drive to take a risk on whatever will make you genuinely happy. Because if you fail at least you tried and nothing beats a failure but a try.

From TODAY on forward, I’m going to just try. I’m over playing it safe or considering others’ opinions, I just want to be the best me for me.

I encouraging my readers to challenge yourself to try. Don’t just do what you know you can do, go beyond that and do something harder. Who knows you might end up with that firm butt and rock arm abs you keep praying to Skinny-Jesus for.

Now on to learning full Caturaṅga Daṇḍāsana!

Thinspiration: Matthew Davidson for Oak Fall 2015 Ready-To-Wear.

2 Sep

Oak Fall 2015 Ready to Wear (5)
Can’t wait for Fall, then don’t! Summer is almost over according to the calendar but we all know fall doesn’t really get here till about late October. However, that shouldn’t stop you fashion crooners from chirping over the new fall looks.

As for me, my fall/winter body is still under construction therefore, my aesthetic will be a little more “cozy active-wear.” Clean lines, simple color palette and of course over size; basically cool weather gym clothes.

That’s why I’m excited for Oak Fall 2015 Ready-To-Wear look-book starting slim framed model Matthew Davidson. If you’re starving for new looks then fill up on this collection. A few transitional pieces that will heat up your current look without making you sweat, some really great sweater to purchase now and wear later and the pants are very much figure forgiving just in time for Thanksgiving. I just would opt for a less sad shoes.

Oak Fall 2015 Ready to Wear (6)

Oak Fall 2015 Ready to Wear (7)

Oak Fall 2015 Ready to Wear (1)

Oak Fall 2015 Ready to Wear (2)

Oak Fall 2015 Ready to Wear (3)

Oak Fall 2015 Ready to Wear (4)

“Junk Food Journals:” Entry 17

26 Aug

The only bad workout, is the one you don’t do! If its thinpsiration you need, then check out what the fellas of “Junk Food Journals: Entry 17” had to share that keeps them motivated to eat healthy and workout consistently.

It very thinspiring you people with amazing bodies deal the many struggles as us who are aspiring to be a lean and ripped. What they all have in common is… Commit, Do, Rest and Repeat.

Alan John (1)

Alan John (3)
I am Alan John (Instagram: @iamalanjohn), a 26 year old model with Glamasphere Model Management and recently started presenting a tv show called Raptor Farm on Mindset tv channel 319 on DStv which airs every Friday at 7pm. I’m based in Johannesburg, South Africa and I began training with a home gym set when I was still in High School. I’m also an actor and in the process of recording my debut album. You can email me for booking or inquiries on alanjohnworldwide@gmail.com.

Workout Philosophy: Learn/know your body type and how it reacts to food and weight training. Next, follow a workout program that is designed to get YOUR body to where you want it to. Then, like everything else, be consistent with what you eat and with following the workout schedule.

Breakfast: Oats (I add peanut butter for a protein boost) or 3 boiled eggs and 2 tuna sandwiches.

Lunch: Brown rice and grilled fish fillets.

Dinner: Mashed potato, chicken breasts and choice of greens.

Cheat Day: Fortunately I don’t have a sweet tooth, a cheat meal would be some fried chicken.

Diet Trick: Healthy eating has to be a way of life for it to make sense and to be sustainable. Stay hydrated at all times and when grocery shopping choose the healthy option so you have no option but to cook healthy meals at home.

Problem Area: Time Management – Life is hectic, this is one area where sometimes I drag myself to the gym no matter how tired I am.

Key To Discipline: For me its the end goal; I know what I want to look like and to remain looking that way so, I constantly remind myself and work extremely hard to make this a reality.

Workout Routine: A 5 day gym program in this order: Back, chest, legs, arms, rest day, shoulders and rest day.

Kofi Mensah (1)

Kofi Mensah (2)
I’m Kofi Mensah (Instagram: @Noriwayfarer) a wanderlust boy that loves new experiences and pushing new boundaries. I’m a Pescatarian, working towards becoming a full time vegetarian and eventual vegan. I live in NYC, but my soul is forever in the clouds searching for new destinations.

Workout Philosophy: I believe that you should work towards what you aspire to look like and what makes you happy. Not for anyone else, or you will eventually lose the motivation to work out. Rotate your exercises and don’t only depend on the gym or else working out will become a bit of a chore and mundane.

Breakfast: It varies between yogurt, granola, egg whites with spinach and some other vegetables. Always tea, with honey.

Lunch: I try to make this my biggest meal of the day. It depends on whatever I’ve made for lunch. Usually some tofu, or seafood dish with brown rice. Occasionally pasta.

Dinner: A salad; with some feta or blue cheese, pecans or walnuts, croutons, dried cranberries and other toppings. I’ll usually accompany it with a tall glass of red or white wine and water.

Cheat Day: I suppose I don’t really believe in a cheat day. Unless you’re competing for some body competition or in my case gearing up for a photo shoot, there’s no need to hold off eating something you really want. Just don’t go super crazy and stuff yourself and you’ll be fine. But if I did have a cheat day it would involve Talenti ice cream! I just recently have it of the first time and it’s easily my new favorite gelato!

Diet Trick: Stay hydrated, eat fruits and avoid too much processed foods.

Problem Area: My lower stomach and pectorals. They are the hardest for me to tone up.

Key to Discipline: Having some sort of routine. Knowing when you are going to the gym or when you’re going for a run, swim, etc helps you stay focused and reach your fitness goals.

Workout Routine: I love early morning workouts, especially at the gym when it’s empty. Anytime between 5am-7am is preferred. I rotate different sections of the body on a daily basis from lower abs, chest, arms, etc to ensure that I’m not over working a certain area, but at the same time giving proper time and attention to develop specific muscles. Hiking, tennis, running and swimming (not the best swimmer) but changing up your activities so working out doesn’t feel like a workout!

Mike Mathews (1)

Mike Mathews (2)
I’m Mike Junior (Instagram: @mikevslilmike), a personal trainer and fitness enthusiast in Detroit.

Workout Philosophy: Train like a superhero. As if the moment you walk out of the gym you’re going to be asked to save the world. (It’s the geek in me, lol.)

Breakfast: 6 egg white omelet, smoked salmon, sweet potato hash.

Lunch: 2 chicken breast, 3 hard-boiled egg whites, kale salad, side of fruit and a protein smoothie.

Dinner: large salmon fillet, asparagus and baked sweet potato.

Cheat Day: My favorite cheat day spot is a buffet style soul-food brunch in Detroit; Motor City Kitchen.

Diet Trick: Regular Detoxing. I do a major cleanse twice a year along with a daily detox tea. The cleaner your system the better it can process and absorb nutrients. It also keeps me mindful about what I’m putting into my body.

Problem Area: Legs. I have to work them twice a week to see growth.

Key to Discipline: Setting goals with deadlines attached to them. Whether it be getting ripped for a photo shoot, getting pumped up for an event, or most recently, prepping for my first physique competition, setting goals for how my body needs to look on a certain date helps keep my discipline strong.

Workout Routine: One of my favorite routines is working chest on the cable machine, I’m able to hit it at every angle and get a really good pump. My full chest workout is available at MikeJunior.co

Anti-Filter Essentials

24 Aug

Skinspiring Essentials
This good skin life ain’t easy! I’ve learn just as my invisible waist progress in the gym, if you fall in love with the practice the results will come.

My goal is to have a fresh face and slim waist, sometimes it seems like one or the other. There are so many things to remember and make time for in a day. Most times my facial regime suffers because I’m always rushing or to tired. However, I come to understand that if you find a system and products that you genuine like using, clear even radiant skin is inevitable- and easy to achieve.

These five products I’ve been using all summer are my aid to filter free pics! I don’t dread my morning or night routine because I know these products work, aren’t harsh, easy to use and inexpensive.

No. 7 “Beautiful Skin” Foaming Cleanser: If it’s strong enough to take off a woman’s war paint, then it’s strong enough to clean my skin. Being that its a pump/foam it saves me time on lather and two pumps are the perfect amount to a thick cream rich all over clean. Both for normal & oily skin I have been using this for about three weeks and it keeps my skin refreshed. Because it’s so powerful I use it at night alone rather than including it in my full morning routine.

Simple Smoothing Facial Toner: I have four different brand of toners I use, two of them being extremely harsh on my skin, which I like. Although, when I do a full workout on my skin or after a shave I don’t want to burn my skin with a toner so I use this 100% alcohol free toner. It cleans, tones and get my skin ready for my moisturizer.

Garner Clean + Blackhead Eliminating Scrub: About two month ago I was out shopping for another scrub to switch out for my normal brand to keep my skin from becoming immune. I picked up the 1 fl. oz. version of the 5 fl. oz. The charcoal works wonders on stabilizing my oily skin and unclogging my pore.

Boscia Luminizing Black Mask: I’ve been nursing this 0.7 oz. facial mask that Bosica sent me last year, because its the best facial mask I’ve ever use. It’s a peel that really snaps your pores closed, like baby bottom smooth. Slapping this on after a fresh cut and shaved will have me glowing in the dark.

Radha Argan Oil: Every since I found out about the many uses and effect of coconut and Aragan oil I have ditched my other moisturizers all together. Four to six drops of this Argan oil after a thorough wash or clean shave keeps my skin healthy, hydrated and smooth. Completely effective for inflammation or irritation after a shave or from acne. You can use it on your beard and hair to keep a healthy shine.

Fade the Fat!

24 Aug

Fade the Fat!

I bet when you saw this headline you thought I was going to be talking about some new easy weight loss secret? Nope, so get your lazy a** to the gym and skip a meal or two or three.

This post is actually about fade cremes. Well not fade cremes exactly but dark spot corrector.

I know some people (especially black people) have issues with fade cremes. There are a slew of physiological self-esteem reasons and effects as to why people use them or shouldn’t used them.

However, that isn’t my reality. Personally I don’t have any qualms with fades creme, color corrector or dark spot removers.

One of the many reason I use them, Garnier Skin Renew Clinical Dark Spot Corrector in particular is due to breakout, scars and blotchy skin. My shoulders and neck is where I use it the most to much success. My shoulders became a problem when I first started to really workout, between the sweat, hormones produced by exercise and a bout with poison ivy I had some unattractive black spots on my shoulders. Also, from shaving the occasional nick, hair bumps and of course acne breakout once I got rid of the “mounds” of problems I was left with battle scars.

So I turned to this dark spot corrector. Meant to be just for the face, I use it for other ares too and it has been successful in evening out my skin tone, reduce the appearance of acne scars, and even fade areas of darker pigmentation. With pure Vitamin C the dark spot corrector exfoliates to accelerate cell turnover on the skin’s surface, overall giving me a nice glow.

I use the Skin Renew, after my nightly face wash. I apply the dark spot corrector to the problem areas followed by the Overnight Peel that also, helps even out skin while I sleep. When I’m not using it on my face I skip the peel. I’ve found the dark spot corrector is great for other body scar removal. I’ve been using the product for about a year when needed and it takes about a week to see results however, depending on how bad or big the area it might take a full bottle based on your commitment to treatment.

I don’t use fade creams when I know I’m going to be in the sun because it can cause sunburn or even more blotchy skin. I suggest before using a fade cream, consider how your skin may react to it. Some of these creams have been known to irritate those with sensitive skin and make skin more susceptible to sunburn. Before trying a fade cream to even out your skin tone or to get rid of acne scars, talk with your skincare specialist or doctor.

They make face cremes, dark spot corrector and skin lighten agents for all types of skin and areas howbeit, holistic, natural or clinical. Just make sure you read the bottle and if you don’t see results after the bottle is empty- discontinue.

Remember you have to commit, don’t just use every other day. An even skin tone makes you look a bit thin and chiseled. By bit I mean you actually have to be on some type of visible diet/workout routine to begin.